Wednesday, 20 January 2016

100 WC #3

Closer Look 

     Brrr, as the cold winter wind blew against my face, it froze for a minute. Wearing my favourite red toque gave me more confidence for I knew that conquering this mountain will be easier. Noticing the cloudy sky, I brought an umbrella in case it rained. I immediately opened my umbrella as raindrops dripped on my shoulders. When I reached the peak, it was foggy and the rain had slowed down. As I stared down the mountain, I noticed a big, black object had floated down the river. I used my binoculars and took a closer look, only to realize it was a log.


  1. You have lot of I's you might want to improve on that. You might want to use some powerful language in your story to improve. Otherwise it's good.

  2. You need a comma after mountain when you say that you stared down the mountain. Other than that, I really liked your story!

  3. Your story's very creative but maybe change or add something about the log it's kind of misplaced.
